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ProCon is an online event registration system, written for the BSCF LARP Conspiracy’s Festival of the LARPs 2007.

ProCon is written using Ruby on Rails.


  • Easy-to-use online registration.
  • Automatic, flexible waitlisting system for events that have limited capacities.
  • Events can have child events (for managing conventions, e.g.).
  • Ability to create “virtual sites” with their own domain names for particular events.
  • Powerful registration policy framework for restricting sign-up.
  • Integrated with Journey for event casting (coming soon).
  • Upload files to share with your event attendees (coming soon).

Getting ProCon

The latest stable and unstable versions of ProCon can be downloaded from Github. Or, to see a live demonstration of ProCon, go to http://events.brandeislarp.com.


ProCon is copyrighted by Nat Budin. The author releases this software under the GNU General Public License.